You may not use these pictures without express permission from me, the creator. These are stock photographs by the photographer and they are available at higher resolutions upon request.
You may not use these pictures without express permission from me, the creator. These are stock photographs by the photographer and they are available at higher resolutions upon request.
nuevo año la misma mierda, los gigantes de sf, los mismos come mierdas comandados por el come mierda mas grande felipe alou, gracias a Dios que ya todo termino, ahora lo malo es q voy a sufir lo mismo con el escogido, o no ??
You may not use these pictures without express permission from me, the creator. These are stock photographs by the photographer and they are available at higher resolutions upon request.
No tengo nada que decir
You may not use these pictures without express permission from me, the creator. These are stock photographs by the photographer and they are available at higher resolutions upon request.
Para mi no hay animal mas bello y perfecto que el tiburon blanco, luego la serpiente, aqui una de las 5 que estan en el zoologico, y de acuerdo con investigaciones hechas entre yo, yde, ivan, joan, hipolito y su novia, vimos q este piton habia llegado el mismo dia q fuimos ya que SE MOVIO Y NUNA DEJO DE MOVERSE! mientras que las demas no dieron señales de vida :(
You may not use these pictures without express permission from me, the creator. These are stock photographs by the photographer and they are available at higher resolutions upon request.
bueno, algun dia tenia q poner aunque sea una foto de flor