
Hipolito "burro" Mejia

Skies and Girlfriends ?

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So, i was surfing around in a forum im always in and this topic really is very interesting i think ha ! so this guy says :

I need a girlfriend now I think. sad.gif But how can I find one?
What should I do first? the second? the third? and...?
Could anyone help me?
Thanks! biggrin.gif

Here are some of the answers

For starters, sitting in front of a coumputer is bad place to start hmm.gif . in otherwords get out more
Escort service? whistle.gif rofl.gif
Oh god... Just wait... this don't come like *clap*
Bro, not to be an ahole, but are you serious?
Are you for real? Get a life, meet people, make friends
lol u sure aint gonna find one by posting here about it tongue.gif


7 Responses to “Skies and Girlfriends ?”

  1. # Anonymous Anónimo

    k chulo se ve el cielo...con esas nubes!!!
    ahh y la luna no es la novia del cielo, es del sol... o al menos k te refieras a la palma,lol!!!  

  2. # Anonymous Anónimo

    i like your blgo, and my advice is dont plan it, its something that just happens!  

  3. # Blogger Marielle

    ahhhhh tu quiere una novia e???? Yo te voy a hacer un cuento......jjajajajajaja
    Mira loquito, ta linda esa foto! =*  

  4. # Blogger Alesi

    pero es q no leen :/ solo leyo 1!

    ****So, i was surfing around in a forum im always in and this topic really is very interesting i think ha ! so this guy says : need a girlfriend now I think. sad.gif But how can I find one?

    no leen no leen :/  

  5. # Blogger Kandinski*

    yo leii....:*...Nice pic  

  6. # Blogger Aribelette

    :P tonces tas bucando novia! :P

    Mira yo quiero esa foto!!!!  

  7. # Anonymous Anónimo
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